Pricing & Packages
Packages consist of 2 parts:
Customized Packages
We’ve come to understand that caretakers and their loved ones need help in the form of customized services that fit their particular needs for today and the near future, and that is exactly what we do.
We take time in a FREE 30 minute ZOOM meeting with you, the caretakers, to better understand your exact situation and the current status of your loved ones mental and physical needs and abilities. Then we customize a care system of technology and services to help you keep them safe and connected in their own homes and give you access to care remotely.
Pricing varies depending on your needs, from simple video calling systems, through complete multiroom Ai-fall-detection and other services. Monthly costs can run as high as $1,250 down to $250/month for simpler solutions. Initial setup can vary widely depending on the amount of hardware and customization and run from under $1,000, into the thousands, depending on requirements, size of the home and other factors. We encourage you to make an appointment with Kevin Kelly, our Founder, who can share his story of how he used technology to help his own mother and see what advice he can offer you.
Click the button below to send us a short message or make a 30 minute zoom appointment.
Thank you for considering Remote Senior Care for you and your loved one.
Please reach out to our care team at
Remote Senior Care
1216 Broadway New York, NY 10001
(800) 206-9214